
Al -Muntaqi explained Al -Muwatta

Al -Muntaqi explained Al -Muwatta

von: Al -Baji

CHF 10.00

Verlag: Rufoof
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 18.04.1901
ISBN/EAN: 9786365755113
Sprache: Arabisch
Anzahl Seiten: 1847

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The Book of Al -Muntaqi explained Al -Muwatta to Imam Al -Baji, it is a book written by Abu Al -Walid Suleiman bin Khalaf bin Saad bin Ayoub Al -Baji Al -Dhahabi on Imam Malik's footholds in the hadith. Al -Baji mentioned the sayings of Imam Malik in his footsteps, the difference of school scholars, and the statement of the meanings of hadiths and antiquities, and he followed the way to mention the hadith, and the issue from the original, then followed that what is appropriate for the branch, and his advanced elders prove it, from issues, and a dam from faces and evidence

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