
Al -Rawd is now explaining the Prophet's biography

Al -Rawd is now explaining the Prophet's biography

von: Al -Sahili

CHF 10.00

Verlag: Rufoof
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 03.08.1901
ISBN/EAN: 9786481279753
Sprache: Arabisch
Anzahl Seiten: 605

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In it Al -Suhaili explained the book of the Prophet's biography of Ibn Hisham, and his method in the book was to present the biography of Ibn Hisham, explaining the words of the words of words and meanings, and the most clarification and evidence increases, and if there is a mysterious lineage, he will remove his ambiguity, and he may sometimes be exposed to some words to the syntax. Al -Suhaili said in the introduction, the purpose of writing the book: "Clarify what happened in the biography of the Messenger of God - which was previously written by Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Ishaq Al -Muttalib A mysterious syntax, closed words, attributes, or a place of jurisprudence, which should be alerted, or an incomplete news. His concern does not receive a plate stick »

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