
Atlas of Advanced Endoscopy

Atlas of Advanced Endoscopy

von: Yasushi Sano, Philip Chiu, Rajvinder Singh, Noriya Uedo, Kenichi Goda, Chikatoshi Katada

CHF 177.00

Verlag: Springer
Format: PDF
Veröffentl.: 04.09.2024
ISBN/EAN: 9789819727322
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 160

Dieses eBook enthält ein Wasserzeichen.


<p>This comprehensive book features high-quality images, videos, and step-by-step instructions for capturing detailed views of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract from the oral cavity to the anus. In addition to covering areas such as the tongue, head and neck, non-Barrett's esophagus, Barrett's esophagus, stomach, duodenum, colon, and rectum, the atlas is authored by leading GI experts from the Asian Novel Bio-Imaging and Intervention Group in the Asia-Pacific region, known for their unparalleled expertise and commitment to excellence.</p>

<p>The book covers various aspects, including equipment reviews and diagnostic technologies using the latest unified global standard system. It explains techniques such as high-definition endoscopy, magnifying endoscopy, chromoendoscopy, NBI, TXI, RDI, and AI, while also providing insight into classifications such as the Japan Esophageal Society Classification, the VS Classification/MESDA-G, and the JNET Classification. Each case section provides expert analysis and notable endoscopic images, accompanied by histopathologic images depicting various benign lesions and early cancers.</p>

<p><em>The Atlas of Advanced Endoscopy</em> serves as an invaluable resource to enhance the reader's knowledge and understanding of the complexities of gastrointestinal endoscopy. It is designed to help practitioners, clinicians, gastroenterologists, and medical students learn diagnostic strategies, procedures, and clinically significant cases. We hope this atlas will always be at your side in the endoscopy room.</p>
<p>X-1 system.- RDI.- TXI.- AI.- Paris classification.- Esophagus: The Japan esophageal society classification.- Stomach: MESDA-G.-Colon: JNET classification.- How to take high-quality images (UGI).- How to take high-quality images (LGI).- Lymphoid folicle.-LGIN/HGIN (small size).- LGIN/HGIN (large size).- Superficial cancer (flat type).- Superficial cancer (polypoid type).- Reflex esophagitis.- Papilloma.- LGIN/HGIN (small size).- LGIN/HGIN (large size).- Multple lugol-voiding lesions.- Superficial cancer (0-Ⅰ, M).- Superficial cancer (0-Ⅱ,M).- Superficial cancer (SM).- Superficial cancer (SM).- Superficiail cancer (large, ≧ 2/3 circumference).- SSBE and LSBE.- Barrett's dysplasia (small size).- Barrett's dysplasia (large size).- Barrett's adenocarcinoma (flat type).- Barrett's adenocarcinoma (polypoid type).- Ectopic gastric metaplasia.- denoma (Papillary resion).- Adenoma (Gastric type, non-papillary resion).- Adenoma (Intestinal type, non-papillary resion).- Duodenal early cancer (non-papillary resion).- Gastric metaplasia.- Hyperplastic polyp.- fundic glnad polyp.- Adenoma.- Early garstric cancer (0-Ⅰ, M, Differentiated type).- Early garstric cancer (0-Ⅱa, M, Differentiated type).- Early garstric cancer (0-Ⅱc, M, Differentiated type).- Early garstric cancer (any, SM, Differentiatted type).- Early garstric cancer (0-Ⅱc, M, Undifferentiated type).- Early garstric cancer (any, SM, Undifferentiatted type).- Early gastric cancer (UL+).- Early gastric cancer after HP eradication (1).- Early gastric cancer after HP eradication (2).- Gastric adenocarcinoma of fundic-gland type.- Gastric MALT Lymphoma.- Hyperplastic polyp (HP).- sessile serrated lesion (SSL).- SSL with dsyplasia or cancer.- Superficial serrated adenoma (SuSA).- Tradiational serrated adenoma.- Polypoid-type adenoma (0-Ⅰ).- Flat-type adenoma.- Depressed-type adenoma (0-Ⅱc).- Early colorectal cancer (0-Ⅰ, Polpyoid, M or SM).- Early colorectal cancer (0-ⅠP+Ⅱc ,Head or Stalk invasion).- Early colorectal cancer (0-Ⅱa, LST-NG, M or SM).- Early colorectal cancer (0-Ⅱa+Ⅰs, LST-G-Mix).- Early colorectal cancer (0-Ⅱa+Ⅱc, SM).- Early colorectal cancer (0-Ⅰs+Ⅱc, SM).- Anal condyloma or cancer.</p>
<p>Yasushi Sano is a Clinical Professor &nbsp;at &nbsp;Kansai &nbsp;Medical &nbsp;University &nbsp;as &nbsp;well &nbsp;as &nbsp;the &nbsp;Director &nbsp;of &nbsp; Gastrointestinal &nbsp;Center &nbsp;at &nbsp;Sano &nbsp;Hospital, &nbsp;Kobe, &nbsp;Japan. &nbsp;He is one of &nbsp;the world leaders in the field of &nbsp;diagnostic and therapeu-tic &nbsp;colonoscopy. &nbsp;He &nbsp;has &nbsp;presented &nbsp;many &nbsp;lectures &nbsp;regarding &nbsp;image-enhanced &nbsp;endoscopy &nbsp;(IEE) &nbsp;technique &nbsp;and &nbsp;demonstrated &nbsp;endoscopy &nbsp;live with EMR/ESD technique at several countries. He skillfully uses magnifying &nbsp;colonoscopy &nbsp;with &nbsp;advanced &nbsp;imaging &nbsp;technique. &nbsp;He &nbsp;has &nbsp;published more than 180 peer-reviewed manuscripts and 9 book chap-ters. He is a member of &nbsp;several advisory boards including Gastroen-terological &nbsp; &nbsp;Endoscopy &nbsp; &nbsp;(JGES, &nbsp; &nbsp;JGA, &nbsp; &nbsp;Japan), &nbsp; &nbsp;Gastrointestinal &nbsp; &nbsp;Endoscopy (GIE, USA), and Chairman of &nbsp;Asian Novel Bio-Imaging and Intervention Group (ANBIIG). He has participated in more than 230 workshops/symposiums across various countries.</p>

<p>Philip Chiu is Professor of &nbsp;Division of &nbsp;Upper GI and Metabolic Surgery, Depart-ment &nbsp;of &nbsp; Surgery, &nbsp;Director &nbsp;of &nbsp; Multi-Scale &nbsp;Medical &nbsp;Robotics &nbsp;Center, &nbsp;Director &nbsp;of &nbsp; Endoscopy &nbsp;Center, &nbsp;Institute &nbsp;of &nbsp; Digestive &nbsp;Disease &nbsp;and &nbsp;Director of &nbsp;CUHK Chow Yuk Ho Technology Center for Innovative Medicine and Dean (External Affairs), Faculty of &nbsp;Medicine, Chinese University &nbsp;of &nbsp; Hong &nbsp;Kong. &nbsp;He &nbsp;is &nbsp;the &nbsp;first &nbsp;to &nbsp;perform &nbsp;ESD &nbsp;for &nbsp;treat-ment &nbsp;of &nbsp; early &nbsp;GI &nbsp;cancers &nbsp;in &nbsp;Hong &nbsp;Kong &nbsp;in &nbsp;2004. &nbsp;In &nbsp;2010, &nbsp;he &nbsp;per-formed the first peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) in Hong Kong as well as pioneered the world first robotic gastric ESD in 2011, fol-lowed by the world first robotic colorectal ESD in 2020. His research interests include esophageal cancer management, minimally invasive and robotic esophagectomy, novel endoscopic technologies for diag-nosis of &nbsp;early GI cancers, endoscopic surgery as well as robotics for endoluminal surgery. He has published more than 370 peer-reviewed manuscripts and 6 book chapters. He is currently co-editor of &nbsp;endos-copy and subject editor for surgical endoscopy.</p>

<p>Rajvinder Singhis a Professor of &nbsp;Medicine with the University of &nbsp;Adelaide and the Director of &nbsp;Gastroenterology at the Lyell McEwin and Mod-bury Hospitals, South Australia. He is an Editorial Board mem-ber of &nbsp;Clinical Endoscopy and past Editorial Board member of &nbsp;Endoscopy, Digestive Endoscopy, and Endoscopy International Open. He has an h-index of &nbsp;41. He has authored more than 150 publications and book chapters on advanced endoscopic muco-sal &nbsp;imaging &nbsp;and &nbsp;resection &nbsp;techniques. &nbsp;He &nbsp;has &nbsp;been &nbsp;involved &nbsp;in &nbsp;various &nbsp;committees &nbsp;drafting &nbsp;national &nbsp;and &nbsp;international &nbsp;guide-lines on this subject. He was the past chair of &nbsp;the Australian Gas-trointestinal Endoscopic Association (AGEA). He is frequently invited &nbsp;to &nbsp;conduct &nbsp;Basic &nbsp;and &nbsp;Advanced &nbsp;Endoscopy &nbsp;Workshops &nbsp;and &nbsp;has &nbsp;participated &nbsp;in &nbsp;more &nbsp;than &nbsp;200 &nbsp;workshops/symposiums &nbsp;across various countries.</p>

<p>Noriya Uedo is a Vice-Director, Department of &nbsp;Gastrointestinal Oncology, Osaka International &nbsp;Cancer &nbsp;Institute. &nbsp;He &nbsp;graduated &nbsp;from &nbsp;the &nbsp;School &nbsp;of &nbsp; Medicine, Kagoshima University, in 1992 and started his training in gastrointestinal &nbsp;oncology &nbsp;and &nbsp;endoscopy &nbsp;in &nbsp;the &nbsp;current &nbsp;institution &nbsp;from 1994. He is a Councilor of &nbsp;several Japanese medical societies. He &nbsp;is &nbsp;serving &nbsp;as &nbsp;a &nbsp;Visiting &nbsp;Professor &nbsp;in &nbsp;Fukuoka &nbsp;University &nbsp;Chi-kushi &nbsp;Hospital &nbsp;and &nbsp;used &nbsp;to &nbsp;serve &nbsp;as &nbsp;a &nbsp;Visiting &nbsp;Professor &nbsp;in &nbsp;Lund &nbsp;University, Malmö University Hospital, and Chinese PLA General Hospital.</p>

<p>Kenichi Goda graduated from National Defense Medical College in 1993. He is a &nbsp;gastroenterologist &nbsp;specialized &nbsp;in &nbsp;gastrointestinal &nbsp;endoscopy &nbsp;and &nbsp;the &nbsp;Professor &nbsp;and &nbsp;Director &nbsp;of &nbsp; Gastrointestinal &nbsp;Endoscopy &nbsp;Center of &nbsp;Dokkyo Medical University Hospital. He is the chair-person-elect &nbsp;of &nbsp; Barrett’s &nbsp;esophagus &nbsp;society &nbsp;of &nbsp; Japan. &nbsp;He &nbsp;has &nbsp;more &nbsp;than &nbsp;90 &nbsp;peer-reviewed &nbsp;international &nbsp;publications &nbsp;and &nbsp;has &nbsp;delivered &nbsp;numerous &nbsp;oral &nbsp;and &nbsp;poster &nbsp;presentations &nbsp;in &nbsp;numerous &nbsp;international meetings. He has received awards of &nbsp;Distinguished Paper &nbsp;Award &nbsp;of &nbsp; Japan &nbsp;Gastroenterological &nbsp;Endoscopy &nbsp;Society &nbsp;2004 and Distinguished Presentation of &nbsp;JDDW 2012.</p>

<p>Chikatoshi Katada graduated from Kitasato University School of Medicine in 1998. From 2001 to 2005, he worked at National Cancer Center Hospital East. From 2005 to 2022, he worked at Kitasato University Hospital. From 2018 to 2019, he participated in the visiting clinician program at Mayo Clinic. From 2022 to the present, he worked at Kyoto University Hospital. He has more than 120 peer-reviewed international publications and has delivered numerous presentations in international meetings. His areas of expertise are clinical research on carcinogenesis and prevention of alcohol-related cancers of the esophagus and head and neck. Therefore, he is well versed in the endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of cancers arising in this area.</p>
<p>This comprehensive book features high-quality images, videos, and step-by-step instructions for capturing detailed views of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract from the oral cavity to the anus. In addition to covering areas such as the tongue, head and neck, non-Barrett's esophagus, Barrett's esophagus, stomach, duodenum, colon, and rectum, the atlas is authored by leading GI experts from the Asian Novel Bio-Imaging and Intervention Group in the Asia-Pacific region, known for their unparalleled expertise and commitment to excellence.</p>

<p>The book covers various aspects, including equipment reviews and diagnostic technologies using the latest unified global standard system. It explains techniques such as high-definition endoscopy, magnifying endoscopy, chromoendoscopy, NBI, TXI, RDI, and AI, while also providing insight into classifications such as the Japan Esophageal Society Classification, the VS Classification/MESDA-G, and the JNET Classification. Each case section provides expert analysis and notable endoscopic images, accompanied by histopathologic images depicting various benign lesions and early cancers.</p>

<p><em>The Atlas of Advanced Endoscopy</em> serves as an invaluable resource to enhance the reader's knowledge and understanding of the complexities of gastrointestinal endoscopy. It is designed to help practitioners, clinicians, gastroenterologists, and medical students learn diagnostic strategies, procedures, and clinically significant cases. We hope this atlas will always be at your side in the endoscopy room.</p>

Covers varieties of endoscopic images and video clips of the gastrointestinal tract Provides a detailed description and analysis of different classification systems used for various GI conditions Provides detailed information for different conditions to help clinical decision-making and treatment planning

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