
Explanation of Sunan Abi Dawood by Ibn Raslan

Explanation of Sunan Abi Dawood by Ibn Raslan

von: Ibn Raslan

CHF 10.00

Verlag: Rufoof
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 23.04.1902
ISBN/EAN: 9786368797875
Sprache: Arabisch
Anzahl Seiten: 629

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The explanation of Ibn Raslan Al -Shafi'i is considered one of the longest and tallest annotations, and it has very great benefits, and it is achieved in scientific theses. As for his belief and his method, which he followed in this book in the doctrine, it is like other of the majority of Al -Sharah; It was done on the way of the Ash'ari in the interpretation of the attributes. In exchange for the aforementioned belief, he addresses the Mu'tazilah to respond; Because it is known that the heresy of Ash'ari in many gates of religion is lighter than the heresy of Mu'tazila, as it addresses the Mu'tazila. Ibn Raslan explained a busy, charged with benefits, especially those related to jurisprudence, origins and rules, as it is an explanation of something of expansion, which is concerned with the statement of the difference of copies and narrations, as the Sunnah of Abi Dawood has accounts, and the two Sahihs have accounts.

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