
Good intentions

Good intentions

von: Sakhawi

CHF 10.00

Verlag: Rufoof
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 20.06.1902
ISBN/EAN: 9786464648545
Sprache: Arabisch
Anzahl Seiten: 854

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Good intentions in the hadiths famous for the tongues is a book from the hadith books, which combines the famous hadiths on the general year of people, the number of hadiths is 1356 hadiths, written by Al -Hafiz Shams al -Din al -Sakhawi. I am the author of the book with the art of modern industry, so he came with benefits that are not in others, with accuracy and mastery. And his saying: "I do not know him," as he offered him to stop, for fear that he will have an origin that he did not stand on, and these two phrases are from the memorial of the preserved.

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