
In the Tracks of Marx's Capital

In the Tracks of Marx's Capital

Debates in Marxian Political Economy and Lessons for 21st Century Capitalism
Palgrave Insights into Apocalypse Economics

von: Sungur Savran, E. Ahmet Tonak

CHF 153.50

Verlag: Palgrave Macmillan
Format: PDF
Veröffentl.: 29.07.2024
ISBN/EAN: 9783031583438
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 360

Dieses eBook enthält ein Wasserzeichen.


<p>This book provides an accessible introduction to Marx’s seminal work&nbsp;<em>Capital&nbsp;</em>and explores the core ideas of Marxian political economy relevant for modern day economies. The first part gives an overview of&nbsp;<em>C<em>apital</em></em> based on the authors’ original thinking in the methodology of&nbsp;<em>C<em>apital. </em></em>The second part discusses the application of these ideas to some understudied questions of measuring profit on alienation, the rate of exploitation, the reconstruction of input-output tables, and the role of the welfare state and social wage. The third part sets forth new research in Marxian analysis in the 21st century, facing the challenges brought about by digital labor and the deep crisis of the global economy. <em>The last part </em>discusses the Marxism/Neo-Ricardianism controversy.</p>
<p>Chapter 1: Introduction Sungur Savran and E. Ahmet Tonak.- Part I.&nbsp; Capital: An Overview.- Chapter 2: Grundrisse: An Introduction to Capital in the Making E. Ahmet Tonak.- Chapter 3: Capital: An Introduction to the Three Volumes Sungur Savran.- Chapter 4: Critique of Political Economy Sungur Savran.- Chapter 5: Productive and Unproductive Labour: An Attempt at Clarification and Classification Sungur Savran and E. Ahmet Tonak.- Chapter 6: Capital: The Book of Communism Sungur Savran.- Chapter 7: Marx’s Capital in Turkey Sungur Savran and E. Ahmet Tonak.- Part II. Operationalising Capital: Measuring Surplus Value and the Welfare State.- Chapter 8: Clarification and Application of the Category Profit on Alienation Alper Duman and E. Ahmet Tonak.- Chapter 9:&nbsp; Are Unproductive Workers Not Exploited? Yiğit Karahanoğulları and&nbsp; E. Ahmet Tonak.- Chapter 10: The Net Social Wage in Turkey, 1980–2019 Yakup Karabacak and E. Ahmet Tonak.- Chapter 11: Recasting Input-Output Networks in a Marxist Framework Alper Duman and E. Ahmet Tonak.- Part III.&nbsp; Capital and 21st Century Capitalism.- Chapter 12: Does the Digital Sector Produce Surplus Value? The Case of Facebook E. Ahmet Tonak.- Chapter 13: Lean Production and Flexibility: The Highest Stage of Taylorism Sungur Savran.- Chapter 14: “New” Imperialism: Moribund Competitive Capitalism E. Ahmet Tonak.- Chapter 15: The World in Economic Depression: A Marxist Analysis of Crisis Sungur Savran and E. Ahmet Tonak.- Part IV. Marxism versus Neo-Ricardianism.- Chapter 16:&nbsp; The Controversy Between the Neo-Ricardians and the Marxists Sungur Savran.- Chapter 17:&nbsp; The Negation of “Negative Values” Sungur Savran.- Chapter 18: On the Theoretical Consistency of Sraffa's Economics Sungur Savran.- Chapter19: Confusions Concerning Sraffa (and Marx): Reply to Critics Sungur Savran.</p>
<p><strong>Sungur Savran</strong> received his BA in Politics at Brandeis University, Massachusetts, USA, and his PhD in Economics at Istanbul University, Turkey. Taught at Istanbul University, Faculty of Economics, and (as visiting professor) at several US colleges, including the Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research, New York. Carried out research as visiting scholar at Sussex University, England, and Université de Paris-X Nanterre, France. Currently teaching at Istanbul Okan University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science. Published articles in <em>Monthly Review</em>, <em>Capital and Class</em>, <em>Khamsin</em> and other journals and edited and wrote chapters for several books on Turkey and Marxist economic theory published in the US and Britain, as well as many books and articles in Turkish. Is on the editorial board of the journal of theory and politics <em>Devrimci Marksizm</em>, published quarterly in Turkish, and its English-language annual edition, <em>Revolutionary Marxism</em>. Was an active member of the editorial board of <em>11. Tez</em> (Thesis Eleven), a theoretical quarterly in defense of Marxism, which came under attack not only from the military regime of the 1980s but also ideologically from liberals on the left. Has worked extensively as a trade union educator. Actively engaged in internationalist Marxist politics within the Revolutionary Workers Party (DIP) of Turkey and the International Socialist Centre Christian Rakovsky.</p>

<p><strong>E. Ahmet Tonak</strong> received his BS in Mechanical Engineering at the Technical University of Istanbul, Turkey, his MS in Applied Mathematics and Statistics at Stony Brook University, and his MA and Ph.D. in Economics at the New School for Social Research.&nbsp; Taught at Bard College at Simon’s Rock, as well as Istanbul Bilgi University and the Middle East Technical University in Turkey. Lately, he was a visiting professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and Hampshire College.&nbsp; He is currently a Research Affiliate at Smith College and teaches at UMass Amherst. Has published in <em>Review of Radical Political Economics</em>, <em>Monthly Review,</em> and <em>Capital and Class</em>.&nbsp; In addition to many books and articles in Turkish, he wrote <em>Measuring the Wealth of Nations: The Political Economy of National Accounts </em>(with A. Shaikh) and edited <em>Critical Perspectives on the World Bank and the IMF </em>and<em> Turkey in Transition: New Perspectives </em>(with I. Schick). He has served as the Managing Co-editor of <em>New Perspectives on Turkey</em> and a member of the Editorial Board of <em>Review of Radical Political Economics. </em>He was active against the military dictatorship in Turkey as the president of the Turkish Students' Association&nbsp;of New York in the 1970s and as one of the founders of the Committee for Human Rights and Democracy in Turkey in the 1980s. As Marxism came under ideological attack in the 1980s, as well as the repressive assault by the military regime, he became part of an effort to publish a theoretical quarterly in defense of Marxism called <em>11. Tez</em> (<em>Thesis Eleven</em>) from 1985 onwards.&nbsp; Later,&nbsp; he was a columnist for the socialist daily&nbsp;<em>BirGün</em>&nbsp;and the news portal <em></em>.&nbsp;</p>
<p>“A masterly work… A passionate and intelligent application of Marxist categories.”</p>

<p><strong>Guglielmo&nbsp;Carchedi, </strong>Retired Professor, University of Amsterdam</p>


<p>“This thought-provoking book clarifies many of the controversies and confusions surrounding Marx’s <em>Capital</em>, and considers how to measure and assess some crucial Marxist variables.”</p>

<p><strong>Jayati Ghosh, </strong>Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst</p>


<p>“Tonak and Savran show convincingly that Marx’s <em>Capital</em> remains the bedrock for understanding the laws of motion of capitalist production.”</p>

<p><strong>Michael Roberts</strong>, <em>Author of <strong>The Great Recession,&nbsp;The Long Depression</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>Marx 200</strong></em></p>


<p>“This is living Marxism!”</p>

<p><strong>Tamás Krausz, </strong>Author of Isaac and Tamara Deutscher Memorial Prize-Winner <em>Reconstructing Lenin: An Intellectual Biography</em>, editor of Hungarian Marxist journal <em>Eszmélet</em></p>


<p><strong>Alfredo Saad-Filho, </strong>SOAS University of London, University of Johannesburg, and LUT University.</p>


<p>This book provides an accessible introduction to Marx’s seminal work&nbsp;<em>Capital&nbsp;</em>and explores some of the core ideas of Marxian political economy relevant for modern day economies.</p>

<p>The first section of the book gives an overview of&nbsp;<em>Capital</em>, providing a historical background and the story of its making, as well as the authors’ original thinking in the methodologies of&nbsp;<em>Capital.</em> This part also introduces readers to an important discussion of productive versus unproductive labour. The second part discusses the application of these ideas to some understudied questions of measuring profit on alienation, the rate of exploitation, including the reconstruction of input-output tables, as well as the role of the welfare state and the social wage. The third part sets forth new research in Marxian analysis in the 21st century, facing the challenges brought about by digital technology, digital labour, lean production and the long-run recessionary state of the global economy. The last part complements the first part on Marx’s theory of value by<em>&nbsp;</em>presenting original arguments regarding the Marxism/Neo-Ricardianism debate.</p>

<p><strong>Sungur Savran</strong> is a graduate of Brandeis University in politics and holds a PhD in economics from Istanbul University. He has&nbsp; taught as visiting scholar at universities in the United States. He is actively engaged in socialist politics.</p>

<p><strong>E. Ahmet&nbsp;Tonak</strong> is a Research Affiliate at Smith College. He has taught economics&nbsp;at Bard College at Simon’s Rock&nbsp;and&nbsp;was&nbsp;a visiting professor at&nbsp;the&nbsp;Middle East Technical University in Turkey and UMAss Amherst.</p>
Addresses a rich variety of topics in Marxian political economy Serves as an introduction to the literature on the measurement of Marxian categories such as surplus value Brings Marxian analysis of capitalism up to date with contemporary challenges including technology and social media
<p>“This is a masterly work of Marxist economics, a passionate and intelligent application of Marxist categories to an analysis of contemporary capitalism. It should be read and studied by all those interested in understanding the historic decline of capitalism and how to replace it with a truly humane system.” (Guglielmo Carchedi, Retired Professor, University of Amsterdam)<br>
“This thought-provoking book opens up and clarifies many of the controversies and confusions surrounding Marx’s Capital, and considers how to measure and assess some crucial Marxist variables. In the process, it shows how many of the analytical constructs remain deeply relevant for the understanding of contemporary economic realities, particularly digital technology, lean production and flexibility, and new forms of imperialism in the early 21st century.” (Jayati Ghosh, Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst)<br>
“In this timely volume, Savran and Tonak offer an erudite and wide-ranging discussion of Marxian political economy. Bringing together essays written over many decades, the authors engage with both classical and contemporary issues. The book is divided into four parts, with the first, second and fourth parts covering classical themes, and the third engaging with contemporary debates. In the first part, the authors offer an overview of Marx’s Capital, dealing specifically with the place of Grundrisse in Marx’s oeuvre, an overview of the three volumes of Capital, the specificities of Marx’s critique of political economy, the importance of the distinction between productive and unproductive labor, and the reception of Marx’s Capital in Turkey. The second part takes the readers on an insightful journey in how to operationalize key Marxian concepts that are relevant for measuring surplus value. A chapter in this part offers a novel discussion of the notion of ‘profit on alienation.’ In the third part, the authors engage with contemporary capitalism and demonstrate the relevance of the Marxian conceptual framework in understanding interesting features of capitalism in the 21st century, including digital production, changes in the labor process and managerial practices, imperialism and uneven development, and the global crisis of capitalism. The fourth and final part offers an erudite discussion of the intricacies of the neo-Ricardian critique of Marxist value theory, presenting a robust Marxian response to many debates in the labor theory of value. This book will surely become indispensable for anyone interested in the current revival of Marxian scholarship across the globe.” (Deepankar Basu, Department of Economics, University of Massacussetts, Amherst, USA; the author of “The Logic of Capital: An Introduction to Marxist Economic Theory”)<br>
“The 21st century is a crucial time for capitalism and for working people. &nbsp;In this third decade, world capitalism is locked into a depression that is similar to but worse than the late 19th century depression and the Great Depression of the 1930s, heralding a rising threat of a new world war, as well as an environmental catastrophe for the planet. In this book Ahmet Tonak and Sungur Savran bring together a series of works written by them over the last 40 years that ‘track’ the development and relevance of Marx’s analysis of the capitalist mode of production to the present day. Tonak and Savran emphasise the key distinction (often confused) that Marx makes between productive and unproductive labour. &nbsp;In so doing, they expose in an original way the faultlines and internal inconsistencies of Sraffian economics, the main modern ‘revision’ of Marx’s theory of value. &nbsp;They go on to show the great strides that Marxist economics has made in the last 50 years in testing Marx’s theory against empirical reality. Most important, Tonak and Savran take to task various misleading theories about modern capitalism. &nbsp;They show that ‘post-Fordism’, a concept that denies the role of the working class as an agency of change, was a baseless fiction. &nbsp;They show the fallacy of the latest denial of the role of productive labour in generating surplus value in modern digital media companies. &nbsp;And they point out that imperialism will remain a nebulous idea unless it is founded on the mechanisms of surplus value transfer from the poor periphery to the rich core of capitalist economies. Tonak and Savran show convincingly that Marx’s Capital remains the bedrock for understanding the laws of motion of capitalist production despite fashionable attempts to revise and refute his analysis. It still provides the only searchlight for guiding us towards a new social formation for humanity that is not based on exploitation of the many by the few, but brings human beings, other species and nature together in a world of cooperation and freedom.” (Michael Roberts, Author of “The Great Recession, The Long Depression and Marx 200”. He blogs at<br>
“30 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the capitalist world system is in a deep economic and /geo/political crisis. Liberal and conservative theories cannot explain the reasons and the prospects of this crisis. This book by Sungur Savran and E. Ahmet Tonak &nbsp; is a great and topical reflection on this situation. The Marxist analysis presented reconstructs the world of Marx's Capital, one that contains theoretical guidance to a new world beyond capital. The volume reinforces a system-critical narrative. At the same time, the book is a major contribution to the intellectual-theoretical reorganization of the anti-capitalist left and to educating younger generations. It is an extremely important work in this latter respect, too. This is living Marxism.” (Tamás Krausz, Author of Isaac and Tamara Deutscher Memorial Prize-Winner “Reconstructing Lenin: An Intellectual Biography”, editor of Hungarian Marxist journal Eszmélet)<br>
“This valuable book includes carefully crafted contributions focusing on Marx’s political economy in general, and his theory of value specifically. From the structure of Capital to the creation of value to other critically important aspects of Marx’s analysis, all the way to empirical and historical topics illuminated by Marx’s theory: Savran and Tonak offer critical political economists a profound and scholarly volume. Indispensable.” (Alfredo Saad-Filho, SOAS University of London, University of Johannesburg, and LUT University)<br>
“"In the Tracks of Capital" presents a comprehensive exploration of key themes in Political Economy relevant to contemporary economies. Authored by E. Ahmet Tonak and Sungur Savran, two political economists with international reputation, the book emerges from their deep-seated conviction that understanding and transforming the world necessitate a rigorous engagement with Political Economy. Originating from their involvement in the tumultuous struggles of 1968 and the 1970s in Turkey and in the United States, the authors embark on this journey not merely for personal absolution but as a means to unravel the complexities of our socio-economic systems. Structured in four Parts, the book delves into methodological issues relevant to Political Economy, Sociology, Political Science, and Philosophy. Part I explores the fundamental concepts of Das Kapital. Part II comprises four articles focusing on the measurement of surplus value and the welfare state, with a specific emphasis on the Turkish economy.. Part III tackles subtler aspects of modern capitalism, including the classification of production and non-production activities, the evolution of labor processes, and the current long-lasting recessionary state of the economy. Additionally, the authors examine the role of social networking companies like Facebook in the productive landscape. Finally, Part IV offers a critical review of neo-Ricardian economics from a Marxian perspective, contributing to ongoing debates in the field. The book's interdisciplinary approach and original contributions make it valuable not only to scholars in Political Economy but also to those in related disciplines such as the History of Economic Thought and Economic Growth and Development.” (Lefteris Tsoulfidis, Professor, Department of Economics, University of Macedonia)<br>
“The book In the Tracks of Marx’ s Capital by Sungur Savran and E. Ahmet Tonak offers a new, critical, and insightful re-reading of Karl Marx’s magnum opus, including its preparatory work in the theoretical laboratory of the Grundrisse. &nbsp; Specially focusing on the Marxian dialectical method of inquiry and exposition, the authors provide a compass both for exploring the vast new “Continent” in theory discovered by Marx, as well as for navigating in our turbulent times of a protracted, still unsolved global crisis of Capitalism in the 21st Century. The obvious failure of mainstream economics to confront the challenges posed by the global crisis is connected with the limits of this school, which the authors rightly and convincingly criticize, demonstrating the superiority of the discovery of the dialectics of motion of capitalist society by Marx leading to its revolutionary overcoming by Socialism.” (Savvas Michael-Matsas, University of Athens, Greece)<br>
“This diverse collection of essays provides very valuable insights into Marx’s most important economic works, his place in the history of economics, and into important controversies among radical economists, along with several innovative empirical studies. In particular, Savran and Tonak demonstrate the vital connection between Marx’s scientific analysis of capitalism and his commitment to the struggle for its overthrow.” (Rick Kuhn is a member of Socialist Alternative in Australia. In addition to numerous other publications, he wrote the Deutscher Prize winning biography “Henryk Grossman and the Recovery of Marxism”, co-authored “Labor's Conflict: Big Business, Workers and the Politics of Class” and edited Class and Struggle in Australia)</p>