
Knight on the Potomac

Knight on the Potomac

von: Mary Fitzgerald

CHF 6.00

Verlag: Cornerstone
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 15.02.2013
ISBN/EAN: 9781448165377
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 400

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Rupert Knight is struggling to adjust to his new life as an hotelier in rural West Virginia. It’s a far cry from his previous vocation as a London art expert. There is the culture shock, the accents, the job itself and then there are the dead bodies. Nothing spoils a guest's day more…
Murder comes to a quiet Virginia town
Mary Fitzgerald was born and brought up in Chester. At eighteen she left home to start nursing training. She ended up as an operating theatre sister in a large London hospital and there met her husband. Ten years and four children later the family settled for a while in Canada and later the USA. For several years they lived in West Wales, northern Scotland and finally southern Ireland until they settled again near Chester. Mary had long given up nursing and gone into business, first a children’s clothes shop, then a book shop and finally an internet clothes enterprise.Mary now lives in a small village in north Shropshire close to the Montgomery canal and with a view of both the Welsh and the Shropshire hills.

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