
The Minor Prophets

The Minor Prophets

von: Brian Simmons

CHF 8.50

Verlag: Broadstreet Publishing Group
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 05.11.2024
ISBN/EAN: 9781424569922
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 424

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The books of the Minor Prophets resound with fierce condemnations of injustice and stunning examples of Yahweh's persistent mercy. Centuries-old prophecies come to pass, justice is served to corrupt leaders, and the oppressed are delivered.


The book of Hosea presents an intimate allegory of God's love. The books of Joel, Amos, and Zephaniah proclaim the judgment and blessing of the coming day of Yahweh. The book of Jonah shows God's eagerness to forgive. The books of Obadiah, Micah, and Nahum vividly warn of Yahweh's wrath on economic exploitation and the enemies of his people. The book of Habakkuk discusses why evil sometimes prospers. The books of Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi share prophecies of encouragement from when God's people rebuilt the temple and reclaimed hope after decades in exile.


These twelve books balance justice and mercy, inspiring us to live uprightly as we await the universal spiritual renewal and righting of wrongs Yahweh will bring one day.


I will keep watching for Yahweh to break through . . .
and I know my God will hear my cry.

Micah 7:7

BRIAN SIMMONS is the lead translator of The Passion Translation®. The Passion Translation (TPT) is a heart-level translation that uses Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic manuscripts to express God's fiery heart of love to this generation, merging the emotion and life-changing truth of God's Word. The hope for TPT is to trigger inside every reader an overwhelming response to the truth of the Bible and to reveal the deep mysteries of the Scriptures in the love language of God, the language of the heart. Brian is currently translating the Old Testament. 

              After a dramatic conversion to Christ in 1971, Brian and his wife, Candice, answered the call of God to leave everything behind and become missionaries to unreached peoples. Taking their three children to the tropical rain forest of Central America, they planted churches for many years with the Paya-Kuna people group. Brian established leadership for the churches that Jesus birthed, and, having been trained in linguistics and Bible translation principles, assisted with the translation of the Paya-Kuna New Testament.

              After their ministry overseas, Brian and Candice returned to North America, where Brian began to passionately work toward helping people encounter the risen Christ. He and his wife planted numerous ministries, including a dynamic church in New England (U.S.). They also established Passion & Fire Ministries, under which they travel full-time as Bible teachers in service of local churches throughout the world.

              Brian is the author of numerous books, Bible studies, and devotionals that help readers encounter God's heart and experience a deeper revelation of God as our Bridegroom King, including Throne Room Prayer, The Sacred Journey, Prayers on Fire, The Divine Romance, and The Vision.

              Brian and Candice have been married since 1971 and have three children as well as precious grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Their passion is to live as loving examples of a spiritual father and mother to this generation.


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