
Researching Global Education Policy

Researching Global Education Policy

Diverse Approaches to Policy Movement
Research in Comparative and Global Social Policy 1. First Edition

von: Mellisa Chin, Clara Fontdevila, Steven Lewis, Kalervo N. Gulson, Andrew Wilkins, Fabian Besche-Truthe, Kerstin Martens, Dennis Niemann, Michael Windzio, Yasin Tunc, Laura Engel, Jisun Jeong, Oshie Nishimura-Sahi, Gerard Ferrer-Esteban, Chenyu Wang, Nelli Piattoeva, Brad Gobby, Andreu Termes, Emiliano Grimaldi, Jordi Collet, Tomas Esper, Marcel Pagès, Oscar Valiente, D. Brent Edwards Jr., Antoni Verger, Marcia McKenzie, Keita Takayama

CHF 45.00

Verlag: Policy Press
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 30.07.2024
ISBN/EAN: 9781447368038
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 354

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<p>The movement of policy is a core feature of contemporary education reform. Many different concepts, including policy transfer, borrowing and lending, travelling, diffusion and mobility, have been deployed to study how and why policy moves across jurisdictions, scales of governance, policy sectors or organisations. However, the underlying theoretical perspectives and the foundational assumptions of different approaches to policy movement remain insufficiently discussed. </p>
<p> </p>
<p> To address this gap, this book places front and center questions of theory, ontology, epistemology and method related to policy movement. It explores a wide diversity of approaches to help understand the policy movement phenomena, providing a useful guide on global studies in education, as well as insights into the future of this dynamic area of work.</p>
<p>Part 1: Introduction</p>
<p> 1. Global Education Policy Movement: Evolving Contexts and Research Approaches – D. B. Edwards Jr., A. Verger, M. McKenzie &amp;amp; K. Takayama</p>
<p> Part 2: Cross-Scalar Approaches</p>
<p> 2. Not Everything That Moves Must Converge: Evidence from Global Policy and Practice on Performance-Based Accountability – A. Verger, G. Ferrer-Esteban, C. Fontdevila</p>
<p> 3. School Accountability Policies Moving across Scales: A Comparative Case Study in Decentralized Educational Systems – A. termes &amp;amp; M. Pagès</p>
<p> 4. Suitable for Global Consumption: Turning German Dual Training into a Portable Policy Idea – C. Fontdevila &amp;amp; O. Valiente</p>
<p> Part 3: Discursive and Cultural Approaches</p>
<p> 5. Towards Global Gender Equality in Education? Economic Incentives, Global Cultures, and International Organizations’ Policy Recommendations – F. Besche-Truthe, K. Martens, D. Niemann, &amp;amp; M. Windzio</p>
<p> 6. Examining Inclusive Education Policy Development Using a Critical Realist Discourse Analysis Approach – M. Chin</p>
<p> 7. Bibliographic Ethnography of Global Education Policy Documents: Theoretical and Methodological Foundations for Researching the “Work” of Citations in (Con)Text – D. B. Edwards Jr. &amp;amp; C. Wang</p>
<p> Part 4: Topological Approaches</p>
<p> 8. Policy Mobilities Are More than Global Policy Movement: Concepts and Methodologies in Education Policy Research – S. Lewis, K. N. Gulson &amp;amp; M. McKenzie</p>
<p> 9. A Complex Global Governance of Education: Multiscalar Social and Emotional Learning Policy-Making in Lebanon – J, Jeong &amp;amp; L. Engel</p>
<p> 10. ‘Global’ as Co-construction: A Socio-Material Analysis of Policy Movement – O. Nishimura-Sahi &amp;amp; N. Piattoeva</p>
<p> 11. Assembling New Public Management: Actors, Networks and Projects – A. Wilkins, J. Collet-Sabé, T. Esper, B. Gobby &amp;amp; E. Grimaldi</p>
<p> Part 5: Decolonial Approaches</p>
<p> 12. Pisa and the Constitution of East Asia as a Counter Reference Society: A Decolonial Intervention – K. Takayama</p>
<p> 13. Dismantling Colonial Time as the Order and Condition of Comparison: A Critique of Modernist Secularist Historiography of Higher Education in Turkey – Y. Tunc</p>
<p>D. Brent Edwards Jr. is Graduate Chair of the Department of Educational Foundations and Professor of Theory and Methodology in the Study of Education at the University of Hawaii. </p>
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<p> Antoni Verger is Professor of Sociology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and Research Fellow at the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA). </p>
<p> </p>
<p> Marcia McKenzie is Professor of Global Studies and International Education at the University of Melbourne.</p>
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<p> Keita Takayama is Professor of Comparative Studies in Education at Education Futures at the University of South Australia.</p>
<p>• A key resource on global education policy development and movement </p>
<p> • Unites and analyses the wide range of approaches and theoretical options available for studying policy movement.</p>