
Nile Al -Awtar

Nile Al -Awtar

von: Al -Shawkani

CHF 10.00

Verlag: Rufoof
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 03.06.1903
ISBN/EAN: 9786409910775
Sprache: Arabisch
Anzahl Seiten: 1835

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Neil Al -Awtar is one of the books of the hadith written by Imam Muhammad Al -Shawkani, which is an explanation of the book of the picker of the news by Imam Abu Al -Barakat Ibn Taymiyyah, the grandfather of Ibn Taymiyyah. By explaining this book, his explanation included advantages, including that he was subjected to the graduation of the hadith and the statement of its methods and words and what was said in its ruling, including revealing the meanings of the words and the sayings of linguists in them with clarification of the legal idiomatic meaning, including the deduction of jurisprudential rulings from the hadiths and how they indicate them and the sayings of the doctrines of scholars of Al -Amsar and Hajjah Each doctrine with weighting, including the deduction of fundamentalist rules and the application of sub -partial judgments on them with mentioning the sayings of the fundamentalists.

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