Cover Page

Down to Earth

Politics in the New Climatic Regime

Bruno Latour

Translated by Catherine Porter


A first version of this text benefited from commentary, often quite detailed, offered by Alexandra Arènes (to whom I owe the figures), Pierre Charbonnier, Deborah Danowski, Gérard de Vries, Maylis Dupont, Jean-Michel Frodon, François Gemenne, Jacques Grinevald, Émilie Hache, Graham Harman, Chantal Latour, Anne Le Strat, Baptiste Morizot, Dominique Pestre, Nikolaj Schultz, Clara Soudan, and Isabelle Stengers. I have tried to take all their comments into account.

Certain sections of this text are reproduced in “L’Europe seule. Seule l’Europe,” in Benoît Hamon, Yannick Jadot, and Michel Wieworka, eds., La politique est à nous (Paris: Robert Laffont, 2017), pp. 269–76, and in “L’Europe refuge,” in Heinrich Geiselberger, ed., The Great Regression (Cambridge: Polity, 2017), pp. 78–87, as well as in journal articles: “Propositions pour recaler nos GPS politiques,” Libération, February 3, 2016, and “Comment ne pas se tromper sur Trump,” Le Monde, December 13, 2016.

Some of my research was carried out thanks to the project “Politiques de la terre à l’époque de l’anthropocène,” USPP-Sciences Po.

We’ve read enough books. Jared Kushner1