
Raspberry Pi Projects

Raspberry Pi Projects

2. Aufl.

von: Andrew Robinson, Mike Cook

CHF 17.00

Verlag: Wiley
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 10.01.2014
ISBN/EAN: 9781118555569
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 480

DRM-geschütztes eBook, Sie benötigen z.B. Adobe Digital Editions und eine Adobe ID zum Lesen.


<p><b>Learn to build software and hardware projects featuring the Raspberry Pi!</b></p> <p>Congratulations on becoming a proud owner of a Raspberry Pi! Following primers on getting your Pi up and running and programming with Python, the authors walk you through 16 fun projects of increasing sophistication that let you develop your Raspberry Pi skills. Among other things you will:</p> <ul> <li>Write simple programs, including a tic-tac-toe game</li> <li>Re-create vintage games similar to Pong and Pac-Man</li> <li>Construct a networked alarm system with door sensors and webcams</li> <li>Build Pi-controlled gadgets including a slot car racetrack and a door lock</li> <li>Create a reaction timer and an electronic harmonograph</li> <li>Construct a Facebook-enabled Etch A Sketch-type gadget and a Twittering toy</li> </ul> <p><i>Raspberry Pi Projects</i> is an excellent way to dig deeper into the capabilities of the Pi and to have great fun while doing it.</p>
Introduction  1 <p>A History of Making   1</p> <p>Consumer Computing   2</p> <p>Why Everyone Should Learn About Computing   2</p> <p>Enter the Raspberry Pi   3</p> <p>About This Book    4</p> <p>How to Use Th is Book   4</p> <p>The Future 6</p> <p><b>Part I: Getting Started with the Raspberry Pi</b></p> <p><b>CHAPTER 1 Getting Your Raspberry Pi Up and Running   9</b></p> <p>The Operating System  10</p> <p>Connecting Your Raspberry Pi 16</p> <p>The Boot Process    25</p> <p>Starting the Graphical Desktop 26</p> <p>Starting a Terminal under X 26</p> <p>Troubleshooting    26</p> <p>Let the Fun Begin!    28</p> <p><b>CHAPTER 2 Introductory Software Project: The Insult Generator 29</b></p> <p>Running Your First Python Program   30</p> <p>Saving Your Program   33</p> <p>Generating an Insult    36</p> <p>Insult Your Friends by Name! 39</p> <p>Create a Stream of Insults! 41</p> <p>Putting It All Together  45</p> <p><b>Part II: Software Projects</b></p> <p><b>CHAPTER 3 Tic-Tac-Toe 49</b></p> <p>Errors  50</p> <p>Making a Start 51</p> <p>A Two-Player Game    55</p> <p>Getting the Computer to Play 59</p> <p>Over to You 70</p> <p><b>CHAPTER 4 Here’s the News    71</b></p> <p>Early Teleprompters    72</p> <p>The Pi Prompter   73</p> <p>What You Need to Do  73</p> <p>A Step Closer to a Usable Program    78</p> <p>Your Final Pi Prompter Code    84</p> <p>The Physical Setup for Your Prompter   89</p> <p>Over to You 92</p> <p><b>CHAPTER 5 Ping    93</b></p> <p>Early Commercial Products 94</p> <p>The Ping Game 94</p> <p>Improving the Ping Game 99</p> <p>A Single-Player Game 104</p> <p>A Two-Player Game  111</p> <p>Over to You    118</p> <p><b>CHAPTER 6 Pie Man   121</b></p> <p>The Pie Man Game   122</p> <p>Gather Your Resources 123</p> <p>Setting the Stage   127</p> <p>The Game Action   133</p> <p>Drawing the Screen   141</p> <p>The Final Function   144</p> <p>Over to You    150</p> <p><b>CHAPTER 7 Minecraft Maze Maker   151</b></p> <p>Installing Minecraft  152</p> <p>Starting Minecraft 153</p> <p>Playing Minecraft  154</p> <p>Preparing for Python 156</p> <p>Using the Minecraft Module    156</p> <p>Over to You    174</p> <p><b>Part III: Hardware Projects</b></p> <p><b>CHAPTER 8 Colour Snap 177</b></p> <p>Implementing the Game 178</p> <p>The Software for Testing the Game  193</p> <p>The Software for the Game    196</p> <p>Over to You    202</p> <p><b>CHAPTER 9 Test Your Reactions    203</b></p> <p>Welcome to the Embedded World! 204</p> <p>Obtaining Components 205</p> <p>Setting up PiFace Digital 206</p> <p>Connecting PiFace Digital 210</p> <p>Using the Emulator   210</p> <p>Interfacing with Python 211</p> <p>The Reaction Timer   214</p> <p>What Will You Interface? 226</p> <p><b>CHAPTER 10 The Twittering Toy   227</b></p> <p>Hacking the Toy   228</p> <p>Making It Talk   232</p> <p>Making It Move   235</p> <p>Connecting to Twitter 239</p> <p>Putting It All Together 245</p> <p>Wrapping Up    248</p> <p><b>CHAPTER 11 Disco Lights 251</b></p> <p>Defining Your Sequence 252</p> <p>Getting the Code to Do More    254</p> <p>A Small Detour into Theory    256</p> <p>Designing the Sequencer 257</p> <p>Implementing the Sequencer    258</p> <p>The Lights 265</p> <p>Using Longer Strip Lights 268</p> <p>Making the Lights Move 269</p> <p>Designing the Circuit 270</p> <p>Building the Circuit   273</p> <p>Running the Circuit  273</p> <p>Over to You    274</p> <p><b>CHAPTER 12 Door Lock 275</b></p> <p>The System Overview 276</p> <p>Safety-Critical Systems 276</p> <p>The Door Lock Hardware 277</p> <p>The Initial High-Level Software Simulation   278</p> <p>The Output Block  281</p> <p>The Input Block   283</p> <p>The Authentication Block 284</p> <p>Unlocking Doors Without Touching  286</p> <p>Testing the Program and Fitting the Lock   292</p> <p>Networking Multiple Doors    293</p> <p>Over to You    294</p> <p>The Art of Programming 295</p> <p><b>CHAPTER 13 Home Automation    297</b></p> <p>The Internet Of Things 298</p> <p>Project 1: How to Create a Motion Sensor and Door Switch   298</p> <p>Project 2: How to Monitor Your Home with a Webcam    305</p> <p>Project 3: How to Make a Temperature Gauge  312</p> <p>Project 4: How to Send an E-mail Alert    317</p> <p>Project 5: How to Send an E-mail Using a Wireless Remote   324</p> <p>Over to You    331</p> <p><b>CHAPTER 14 Computer-Controlled Slot Car Racing    333</b></p> <p>Obtaining a Slot Car Racer 334</p> <p>Hacking Your Slot Car Racer    334</p> <p>Getting the Player Input 336</p> <p>The Software    346</p> <p>The Game 348</p> <p>Over to You    354</p> <p><b>CHAPTER 15 Facebook-Enabled Roto-Sketch 355</b></p> <p>The Concept    356</p> <p>Rotary Encoder Types 356</p> <p>The Encoder Output  357</p> <p>Posting to Facebook  366</p> <p>The Final Roto-Sketch Program   369</p> <p>Creating a Symmetrical Pattern   375</p> <p>Over to You    381</p> <p><b>CHAPTER 16 The Pendulum Pi, a Harmonograph    383</b></p> <p>The Concept    385</p> <p>The Hall Effect   385</p> <p>Enter the Arduino  387</p> <p>Putting It Together   388</p> <p>Programming the Arduino 399</p> <p>Programming the Pi  412</p> <p>Using the Pendulum Pi 418</p> <p>Over to You    419</p> <p><b>CHAPTER 17 The Techno–Bird Box, a Wildlife Monitor   421</b></p> <p>Building Invisible Light Beam Sensors 423</p> <p>Mounting the Sensors 427</p> <p>Recording Activity to a File    431</p> <p>Processing the Data  442</p> <p>Dealing with Sensor Noise 448</p> <p>Drawing a Graph   454</p> <p>Putting the Nest Box into Service   458</p> <p>Over to You    458</p> <p>The Possibilities Are Endless    460</p> <p>Index  461</p>
<strong>Dr Andrew Robinson</strong> (Manchester, UK) worked at the University of Manchester School of Computer Science, where they have just launched the Great British Raspberry Pi Bake Off, a competition to get people making projects with the Pi. Andrew has quickly become a leading expert on the Pi and its astounding capabilities, including guest posts on, the official mouthpiece of Raspberry Pi. He is the creator of PiFace, which makes interfacing with the Raspberry Pi significantly easier. He is currently utilizing the Raspberry Pi as part of the team behind the BBC's Springwatch. <p><strong>Mike Cook</strong> is is the co-author of <em>Raspberry Pi For Dummies</em>. Mike is a veteran tech author and a freelance consultant for all things to do with Physical Computing. A former Lecturer in Physics at Manchester Metropolitan University, he has written more than three hundred computing and electronics articles for the pages of computer magazines since the 1980s. Mike patrols the forums as Grumpy Mike, though he is anything but!

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