


von: Safo, Raafat Allam

CHF 6.00

Verlag: Al-Mashreq Ebookstore
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 22.10.2024
ISBN/EAN: 9785324258184
Sprache: Arabisch
Anzahl Seiten: 100

Dieses eBook enthält ein Wasserzeichen.


In the arms of the enchanting Greek island of Lesbos, and in the atmosphere of the prosperous "singing age," a remarkable poet was born, "Sappho," who enriched the human poetic heritage with verses dripping with love, nostalgia, and pity. In this book, we delve into the poetic world of Sappho, in which truth and imagination blend, and in which she sings of "love" as a supreme value and a source of inspiration. We listen to her tender songs that she used to dedicate to brides on their wedding nights, and her poems in which she describes her private world with all its intense emotions and delicate feelings. Despite how little we have received of Sappho's poetic legacy, her poems still amaze us with their beauty, honesty, and human depth.
تُعدّ "سافو" (القرن السّابع قبل الميلاد) واحدةً من أشهرِ شُعراءِ اليونان القديمة، وَمن أَوَائِلِ من كتبوا في الشّعرِ الغنائيّ الذي يُعبّرُ عن مشاعرِ الشّاعرِ وَتجاربِه الشّخصية. وُلِدَت سافو في جزيرةِ "لسبوس" اليونانية، وَعاشت حياةً حافلةً بِالحبّ وَالفنّ، وَخلّدت اسمَها كَشاعرةٍ فذّةٍ لا يزال إرثُها الشّعريّ يُلهمُ القلوبَ حتى يومنا هذا.

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