
The classes for women

The classes for women

von: Women

CHF 10.00

Verlag: Rufoof
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 29.10.1900
ISBN/EAN: 9786433258744
Sprache: Arabisch
Anzahl Seiten: 9

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In hadith science, the class is a term called the group of people who are close to the elderly and support. The rapprochement of support between two people is intended that the first elders are the elders of the other or approach their elders. Each narrator is classified as the chain of transmission according to the layer to which it belongs. The main classes in each chain of transmission are the class of the Companions. The layers are used for security from the overlap of those similar in a name, nickname, and the like; Because two names may agree in the word, so he thinks that one of them is also, so this is characterized by the knowledge of their classes. The narrators may be of a class, and from two classes as another; Such as: Anas bin Malik, and the likeness of it is one of the younger companions.

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