
The interpretation of al -Muwatta for the snakes

The interpretation of al -Muwatta for the snakes

von: Al -Qasa'i

CHF 10.00

Verlag: Rufoof
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 16.02.1901
ISBN/EAN: 9786381377825
Sprache: Arabisch
Anzahl Seiten: 1263

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The book "The Interpretation of Al -Muwatta for Abu Al -Mutareef" is one of the best books in explaining the hadiths of al -Muwatta, and in the statement of jurisprudence, and presenting the sayings of advanced and late scholars. Abu al -Mutarif, may God have mercy on him, showed in his book "The Interpretation of Al -Muwatta to Abu Al -Mutareef" great benefits, and useful issues for the godfather of hadith and jurisprudence, especially the Malikis, confirming that he was a brilliant jurist, an elaborate speaker, and a critical investigator. The book "The Interpretation of Al -Muwatta for Abu Al -Mutareef" included an important jurisprudence wealth in the field of Maliki jurisprudence in particular, and he relied on this on the major Maliki jurists in the middle of the Imam's students, Malik Kamil al -Qasim, then who follows them as a compass .

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