
The Long Weekend

The Long Weekend

von: Rita Ann Higgins

CHF 16.90

Verlag: Gill Books
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 29.08.2024
ISBN/EAN: 9781804582411
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 112

Dieses eBook enthält ein Wasserzeichen.


From saints' days to Halloween and the many other celebrations on the Irish calendar, this collection of poetry from Rita Ann Higgins sets a tone for all seasons.
Featuring bank holiday poems as heard on RTÉ Radio, such as 'Lúnasa' and 'Coming Out of Winter', and others like 'My Mother Loved Me in Red', 'The Púca', 'Visiting My Father at Christmas' and 'All Souls' Day', The Long Weekend leaves no question that Rita Ann Higgins is the people's poet.
'The people's poet. She's magic. She's a one-off.' Brendan O'Connor
'A haunting, beautiful collection of poems that commands attention and bears witness to life's struggle. This collection confirms Higgins as one of our greatest poets.' Elaine Feeney
'A work of immense thoughtfulness.'Susannah Dickey

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