
The rulings of the Qur'an for Al -Shafi'i - Al -Bayhaqi collection

The rulings of the Qur'an for Al -Shafi'i - Al -Bayhaqi collection

von: Abu Bakr Al -Bayhaqi

CHF 10.00

Verlag: Rufoof
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 02.04.1901
ISBN/EAN: 9786466477150
Sprache: Arabisch
Anzahl Seiten: 1706

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The rulings of the Qur'an by Al -Shafi'i are one of the books of the interpretation of the Noble Qur'an, written by Abu Bakr al -Bayhaqi, after he collected the sayings and interpretations of Al -Shafi'i found in his books or books of others, and included in the book of the rulings of the Qur'an by Al -Shafi'i. The book is one of the best interpretations of the group, as it stops at verses from the Holy Quran, from which many jurisprudence rulings on which religion is built. The book is a collection and arrangement of the texts of Al -Shafi'i, which indicates the amount of his knowledge of the high meanings in the Qur'an

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